SAULT STE. MARIE, Mich. - A regular meeting of the Sault Tribe Board of Directors will be held Tuesday, March 23, 2010, at the Manistique Tribal Center in Manistique, Mich., beginning at 6:00 p.m. The meeting will be preceded by “Matters Raised by the Membership” from 5 to 6:00 p.m.
Resolutions to be considered are: Approving Lobbyist Contract: Capitol Advocacy, Amending Chapter 21: Sturgeon Season, Amending Chapter 82: Appeals, Amended Health Centers Compensation Modernization and Adopting Chapter 15: Freedom of Information Ordinance, as well as budget modifications for Advocacy Resources Center Building, Health Division Wage Adjustments, EHS/HS/Title IV Elderly, EHS/HS ARRA Funds, JKL Fiduciary Interest and WIA Employment.
Under new business, the board will consider: JKL Land Purchase, Update Tribal License Plates and Update 501 c (3).
For more information, call Joanne or Tara at (906) 635-6050 or (800) 793-0660, ext. 26337 or 26338.